Posted are some pics from a Thom Faulders installation commissioned by the CCA Wattis Institute in San Francisco. He filled the entire gallery w/ a wave of memory foam (stuff used for bike seats, mattresses etc.) and drastically changed the dynamic of the space. Not sure if we'd want push it that far, but I've put in a request for a sample, so we can at least consider it's possibilities.
Also, I've ran around Syracuse this morning and picked up some specialty paints . . . blackboard paint, markerboard paint and high-end graffiti spray paint (like used at FunkNWaffles). I haven't tested any of it yet, but I'll try and have some tested out for Thursday.
I like the Scrapile idea and really enjoy their furniture . . . 4Korners out of brooklyn also uses reclaimed materials for their furniture design. If we were to use this technique for the bus, do we have any specific ideas about where to start collecting scraps?
Ideas for collecting scrap wood: There is a Stickley furniture factory in Manlius. They might have or make some scrap hardwoods available. A little further out is the Harden factory in McConnelsville. There is a pallet manufacturer in East Syracuse (Butternut Drive). We can also try the Carpenters Shop at SU to see if they have some materials to donate to a worthy cause.
Steve Ginsburg could help with this as well.
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