Hello All! Hope you survived the first snow of the season... it was a blustery one last night!
Zach, Vince, and Jessica will be delivering a lecture on the collaborative nature and process of the MLAB project, as a part of Colgate's Art and Art History Lecture Series. It starts at 4:30 and will be in Golden Auditorium, Little Hall.
For more information go here, Colgate website.
Hopefully the weather will turn for the better (and stay that way) so that the bus can come along as well!
Hope to see you there!
In other News:

Marion is already in New Orleans preparing for the Prospect One Biennial! I, along with YunPei and Samantha will be joining here there tomorrow to work with Marion and her gallery, KK Projects, over the opening weekend of the Biennial.
More information on the biennial, check out the [P.1] website.
Also, Check out KK Projects website!
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