We have been very busy working on developing a future MLAB project, of which more information will be coming soon!
We are off to a great start at Nottingham High School this Spring Semester! We are working with two eleventh grade English classes, the students of Ms. Zizzi and Ms. Benedetto. The Nottingham High School students are working with the SU Literacy, Community, Photography class made up of creative writing and transmedia graduate and undergraduate students-- taught by photographer Stephen Mahan and Poet Michael Burkard.
The students are doing incredible work, and appear to be making themselves quite at home with the MLAB-- spreading out on our customized, break-away benches and using the custom made lap desks/cushions both as seats and writing surfaces. It is exciting to again see the space come alive with the energy and creativity of students transforming the walls and space in their creative process.
The first writing assignment was to write a self portrait in the absence of the self. Students explored points of view, personifying objects such as pencils and cameras. In photography, students also worked on self portraits. The work is off to a great start, and I truly look forward to seeing the work of these students develop over the semester!
Stay tuned for more updates and developments on MLAB at Nottingham and the new MLAB project: 601 Tully.
Attached are a few images from our first two visits!
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